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Freedom Studio IDE使用介绍



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    2022-6-26 13:17
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    发表于 2021-11-26 23:22:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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    【Freedom Studio】 稳定版— v2021.04.1 Windows, macOS ,Linux

    Freedom Studio is the fastest way to get started programming with your SiFive hardware. Freedom Studio is built on top of the popular Eclipse IDE and packaged with a prebuilt toolchain and example projects from the Freedom E SDK. Freedom Studio is compatible with all SiFive RISC-V development boards. Previous released versions are available through our
    Freedom Studio GitHubrepository.

    We highly recommend downloading and reviewing the Freedom Studio User Manual before downloading and installing Freedom Studio. This manual has important information about preparing your host system to help you get up and running as quickly as possible. Please note that the Freedom Studio IDE no longer runs on CentOS 6 and Ubuntu 16.

    Freedom Studio IDE可以开发如下板子:

    -HiFive Boards

    -HiFive Unmatched

    -HiFive1 Rev B

    -HiFive1 (Discontinued)

    -HiFive Unleashed (Discontinued)

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    【Freedom U SDK】

    The Freedom U SDK is a repository containing everything needed to build a Linux-based board support packages (BSP) targeting SiFive hardware and emulation platforms.

    Freedom Studio IDE-Freedom Studio IDE使用介绍risc-v单片机中文社区(5)

    SiFive 作为 RISC-V 指令集和开源硬件的领导者,于2015年7月 RISC-V 发明者所创立,是全球首家基于 RISC-V 定制化的半导体企业,在世界10个国家和地区设有分支机构,已成为当前规模最大的 RISC-V 商业化公司。其高性能可定制化的 IP,全系列支持单核及多核,支持32位至64位处理器。SiFive 可以帮助 SoC 设计人员缩短产品上市时间,以及通过定制的开放式架构处理器内核降低成本,同时,使系统设计人员能够构建基于 RISC-V 的定制半导体,从而实现芯片优化。
    Freedom Studio IDE-Freedom Studio IDE使用介绍risc-v单片机中文社区(6)

    SiFive,开创芯片设计革命SiFive Processors!The future of RISC-V has no limits!As the pioneers who introduced RISC-V to the world, SiFive is transforming the future of compute and defining what comes next.
    Freedom Studio IDE-Freedom Studio IDE使用介绍risc-v单片机中文社区(7)


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