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RISC-V是源自Berkeley的开源体系结构和指令集标准。这个模拟器实现的是RISC-V Specification 2.2中所规定RV64I指令集,基于标准的五阶段流水线,并且实现了分支预测模块和虚拟内存模拟。实现一个完整的CPU模拟器可以很好地锻炼系统编程能力,并且加深对体系结构有关知识的理解。在开始实现前,应当阅读并深入理解Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective中的第四章,或者Computer Organizaton and Design:
Hardware/Software Interface中的有关章节。
一、开发环境1.1 RISC-V环境的安装与配置首先,必须搭建RISC-V相关的编译、运行和测试环境。简便起见,本次实验全部基于RISC-V 64I指令集,参考的指令集标准是RISC-V Specification 2.2。为了配置环境,执行了如下步骤。
- 从GitHub上下载了riscv-tools,从中针对Linux平台配置,编译和安装了riscv-gnu-toolchain。
- 为了使用官方模拟器作为参照,从GitHub上下载、编译和安装了riscv-qemu。
需要特别注意的是,在编译riscv-gnu-toolchain时,必须指定工具链和C语言标准库所使用的指令集为RV64I,否则在编译的时候编译器会使用RV64C、RV64D等扩展指令集。即使设置编译器编译时只使用RV64I指令集,编译器也会链接进使用扩展指令集的标准库函数。因此,为了获得只使用RV64I标准指令集的ELF程序,必须在riscv-gnu-toolchain中采用如下选项重新编译 - mkdir build; cd build
- ../configure --with-arch=rv64i --prefix=/path/to/riscv64i
- make -j$(nproc)
在编译时,使用-march=rv64i让编译器针对RV64I标准指令集生成ELF程序。 - riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -march=rv64i test/arithmetic.c test/lib.c -o riscv-elf/arithmetic.riscv
1.2 使用的测试程序和测试方法
- lib.c # 自定义的系统调用实现
- helloworld.c # 最简单的程序
- test_arithmetic.c # 对运算指令的测试
- test_branch.c # 对基本分支的测试
- test_syscall.c # 对系统调用的测试
- quicksort.c # 快速排序
- matrixmulti.c # 矩阵乘法
- ackermann.c # 求解Ackermann函数
2.1 开发环境
我测试的模拟器运行环境为Mac OS X,使用的编程语言为C++ 11,构建环境为CMake,编译器为Apple Clang 10.0.0,编译使用的Flag为-O2 -Wall。开发使用的工具为VS Code。不过,模拟器代码尽量避免了使用标准库以外的平台相关功能,所以应该也能在其他平台和编译器上编译运行。
2.2 设计考量
2.3 编译与运行
编译方法与一个典型的CMake项目一样,在编译之前必须先安装CMake。在Linux或者Mac OS X系统上可以采用如下命令
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
- ./Simulator riscv-elf-file-name [-v] [-s] [-d] [-b param]
- Parameters:
- [-v] verbose output
- [-s] single step
- [-d] dump memory and register trace to dump.txt
- [-b param] branch perdiction strategy, accepted param AT, NT, BTFNT, BPB
其中riscv-elf-file-name对应可执行的RISC-V ELF文件,比如riscv-elf/文件夹下的所有*.riscv文件。一个典型的运行流程和输出如下
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv
- Ackermann(0,0) = 1
- Ackermann(0,1) = 2
- Ackermann(0,2) = 3
- Ackermann(0,3) = 4
- Ackermann(0,4) = 5
- Ackermann(1,0) = 2
- Ackermann(1,1) = 3
- Ackermann(1,2) = 4
- Ackermann(1,3) = 5
- Ackermann(1,4) = 6
- Ackermann(2,0) = 3
- Ackermann(2,1) = 5
- Ackermann(2,2) = 7
- Ackermann(2,3) = 9
- Ackermann(2,4) = 11
- Ackermann(3,0) = 5
- Ackermann(3,1) = 13
- Ackermann(3,2) = 29
- Ackermann(3,3) = 61
- Ackermann(3,4) = 125
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 430754
- Number of Cycles: 574548
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3338
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.5045 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 48010
- Number of Data Hazards: 279916
- Number of Memory Hazards: 47774
- -----------------------------------
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv -s -v
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv -s -v
- ==========ELF Information==========
- Type: ELF64
- Encoding: Little Endian
- ISA: RISC-V(0xf3)
- Number of Sections: 19
- ID Name Address Size
- [0] 0x0 0
- [1] .text 0x100b0 3668
- [2] .rodata 0x10f08 29
- [3] .eh_frame 0x10f28 4
- [4] .init_array 0x11000 8
- [5] .fini_array 0x11008 8
- [6] .data 0x11010 1864
- [7] .sdata 0x11758 24
- [8] .sbss 0x11770 8
- [9] .bss 0x11778 72
- [10] .comment 0x0 26
- [11] .debug_aranges 0x0 48
- [12] .debug_info 0x0 46
- [13] .debug_abbrev 0x0 20
- [14] .debug_line 0x0 222
- [15] .debug_str 0x0 267
- [16] .symtab 0x0 2616
- [17] .strtab 0x0 913
- [18] .shstrtab 0x0 172
- Number of Segments: 2
- ID Flags Address FSize MSize
- [0] 0x5 0x10000 3884 3884
- [1] 0x6 0x11000 1904 1984
- ===================================
- Memory Pages:
- 0x0-0x400000:
- 0x10000-0x11000
- 0x11000-0x12000
- Fetched instruction 0x00002197 at address 0x100b0
- Decode: Bubble
- Execute: Bubble
- Memory Access: Bubble
- WriteBack: Bubble
- ------------ CPU STATE ------------
- PC: 0x100b4
- zero: 0x00000000(0) ra: 0x00000000(0) sp: 0x80000000(2147483648) gp: 0x00000000(0)
- tp: 0x00000000(0) t0: 0x00000000(0) t1: 0x00000000(0) t2: 0x00000000(0)
- s0: 0x00000000(0) s1: 0x00000000(0) a0: 0x00000000(0) a1: 0x00000000(0)
- a2: 0x00000000(0) a3: 0x00000000(0) a4: 0x00000000(0) a5: 0x00000000(0)
- a6: 0x00000000(0) a7: 0x00000000(0) s2: 0x00000000(0) s3: 0x00000000(0)
- s4: 0x00000000(0) s5: 0x00000000(0) s6: 0x00000000(0) s7: 0x00000000(0)
- s8: 0x00000000(0) s9: 0x00000000(0) s10: 0x00000000(0) s11: 0x00000000(0)
- t3: 0x00000000(0) t4: 0x00000000(0) t5: 0x00000000(0) t6: 0x00000000(0)
- -----------------------------------
- Type d to dump memory in dump.txt, press ENTER to continue:
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv -b AT
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv -b NT
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv -b BTFNT
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv -b BPB
其中,AT表示Always Taken,NT表示Not Taken,BTFNT表示Back Taken Forward Not Taken,BPB表示Branch Prediction Buffer。
2.4 代码架构
模拟器本身被设计成一个巨大的类,也就是代码中的class Simulator(参见Simulator.h、Simulator.cpp)。Simulator类中的数据包含了PC、通用寄存器、流水线寄存器、执行历史记录器、内存模块和分支预测模块,其中,由于内存模块和分支预测模块相对比较独立,因此实现为独立的两个类MemoryManager和BranchPredictor。
三、具体设计和实现3.1 内存管理模块MemoryManager
其中,memory指向一个长度为1024的一级页表数组,memory指向长度为1024的二级页表数组,memory[j]指向具体的内存页,memory[j][k]可以取出内存地址为(i<<22)|(j<<12)|k的一个字节。可以在需要的时候对memory进行动态内存分配和释放。模拟器对memory的一个访存过程的示例如下 - uint8_t MemoryManager::getByte(uint32_t addr) {
- if (!this->isAddrExist(addr)) {
- dbgprintf("Byte read to invalid addr 0x%x!\n", addr);
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t i = this->getFirstEntryId(addr);
- uint32_t j = this->getSecondEntryId(addr);
- uint32_t k = this->getPageOffset(addr);
- return this->memory[i][j][k];
- }
3.2 可执行文件的装载、初始化
- // Read ELF file
- ELFIO::elfio reader;
- if (!reader.load(elfFile)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "Fail to load ELF file %s!\n", elfFile);
- return -1;
- }
- void loadElfToMemory(ELFIO::elfio *reader, MemoryManager *memory) {
- ELFIO::Elf_Half seg_num = reader->segments.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < seg_num; ++i) {
- const ELFIO::segment *pseg = reader->segments[i];
- uint64_t fullmemsz = pseg->get_memory_size();
- uint64_t fulladdr = pseg->get_virtual_address();
- // Our 32bit simulator cannot handle this
- if (fulladdr + fullmemsz > 0xFFFFFFFF) {
- dbgprintf(
- "ELF address space larger than 32bit! Seg %d has max addr of 0x%lx\n",
- i, fulladdr + fullmemsz);
- exit(-1);
- }
- uint32_t filesz = pseg->get_file_size();
- uint32_t memsz = pseg->get_memory_size();
- uint32_t addr = (uint32_t)pseg->get_virtual_address();
- for (uint32_t p = addr; p < addr + memsz; ++p) {
- if (!memory->isPageExist(p)) {
- memory->addPage(p);
- }
- if (p < addr + filesz) {
- memory->setByte(p, pseg->get_data()[p - addr]);
- } else {
- memory->setByte(p, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- simulator.pc = reader.get_entry();
3.3 指令语义的解析和控制信号的处理
指令的解码过程参见Simulator::decode()函数,其中绝大多数内容都是对RISC-V Specification 2.2中规定的指令编码的直接翻译。在解码过程中,为了便于调试,decode()函数会按照RISC-V汇编格式翻译出指令字符串。此外,decode函数会模仿硬件实现在指令中抽象出op1、op2、dest等几个共有的域。分支预测模块会在解码阶段做出预测判断。
出现的情况 | fReg | dReg | eReg | mReg | 分支预测错误 | Bubble | Bubble | Normal | Normal | 内存访问冒险 | Stall | Stall | Bubble | Normal | 预测跳转 | Bubble | Normal | Normal | Normal |
3.4 系统调用和库函数接口的处理
系统调用名称 | 系统调用号 | 参数 | 返回值 | 输出字符串 | 0 | 字符串起始地址 | 无 | 输出字符 | 1 | 字符的值 | 无 | 输出数字 | 2 | 数字的值 | 无 | 退出程序 | 3 | 无 | 无 | 读入字符 | 4 | 无 | 读入的字符 | 读入数字 | 5 | 无 | 读入的数字 |
- oid print_d(int num);
- void print_s(const char *str);
- void print_c(char ch);
- void exit_proc();
- char read_char();
- long long read_num();
3.5 性能计数相关模块
- struct History {
- uint32_t instCount;
- uint32_t cycleCount;
- uint32_t predictedBranch; // Number of branch that is predicted successfully
- uint32_t unpredictedBranch; // Number of branch that is not predicted successfully
- uint32_t dataHazardCount;
- uint32_t controlHazardCount;
- uint32_t memoryHazardCount;
- std::vector<std::string> instRecord;
- std::vector<std::string> regRecord;
- std::string memoryDump;
- } history;
3.6 调试接口
- void Simulator::panic(const char *format, ...) {
- char buf[BUFSIZ];
- va_list args;
- va_start(args, format);
- vsprintf(buf, format, args);
- fprintf(stderr, "%s", buf);
- va_end(args);
- this->dumpHistory();
- fprintf(stderr, "Execution history and memory dump in dump.txt\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- Fetched instruction 0x00000593 at address 0x100c4
- Decoded instruction 0x40a60633 as sub a2,a2,a0
- Execute: addi
- Forward Data a2 to Decode op1
- Memory Access: addi
- Forward Data a0 to Decode op2
- WriteBack: addi
- ------------ CPU STATE ------------
- PC: 0x100c8
- zero: 0x00000000(0) ra: 0x00000000(0) sp: 0x80000000(2147483648) gp: 0x00011f58(73560)
- tp: 0x00000000(0) t0: 0x00000000(0) t1: 0x00000000(0) t2: 0x00000000(0)
- s0: 0x00000000(0) s1: 0x00000000(0) a0: 0x00000000(0) a1: 0x00000000(0)
- a2: 0x00000000(0) a3: 0x00000000(0) a4: 0x00000000(0) a5: 0x00000000(0)
- a6: 0x00000000(0) a7: 0x00000000(0) s2: 0x00000000(0) s3: 0x00000000(0)
- s4: 0x00000000(0) s5: 0x00000000(0) s6: 0x00000000(0) s7: 0x00000000(0)
- s8: 0x00000000(0) s9: 0x00000000(0) s10: 0x00000000(0) s11: 0x00000000(0)
- t3: 0x00000000(0) t4: 0x00000000(0) t5: 0x00000000(0) t6: 0x00000000(0)
- -----------------------------------
3.7 实现中遇到的坑
- 一个根本的困难在于我们对流水线的模拟程序本质上还是线性执行的,并不能像硬件那样多阶段并行执行。因此,必须非常小心地设计五个阶段的代码的执行流和对数据结构的访问,才能模拟出硬件的效果。
- 当多个阶段发现数据冒险并向前转发数据时,必须优先传送更新的数据。在模拟器中,由于相关阶段的执行顺序是执行->访存->写回,因此会存在前面的阶段向前转发的数据被后面的阶段的旧数据覆盖的可能。对于这种情况,模拟器中必须加以特别的判定。
- 分支预测模块应当在解码阶段根据预测结果修改PC的值,但是,如果这个跳转指令是被错误取进来,并且应该在之后被Bubble的话怎么办?必须想办法恢复被修改的PC值,或者延迟写入预测的PC值。
- 也是由于代码是顺序执行的,因此当执行阶段发现访存指令,而解码阶段的指令依赖访存数据并导致内存冒险时,必须非常小心地设计整个执行过程和数据访问流程,才能模拟出正确的结果。
- 用于系统调用的ecall指令也会导致数据冒险!并且产生数据冒险的条目,取决于这个系统调用的参数数量和其对应的寄存器!当前的系统调用会依赖的寄存器有a0和a7两个,因此刚好能作为op1和op2塞入流水线,但是如果系统调用需要的参数更多,实现将会变得更为复杂。
- zero寄存器是一个相当独特的存在,理论上他任何时候值应该都是0,所以进行数据转发的时候必须处处特判零寄存器,如果向零寄存器里的值进行数据转发就会导致非常难以发现的错误。
四、功能测试与性能评测4.1 模拟器的功能正确性测试
代码文件 | 对应的ELF文件 | test/helloworld.c | riscv-elf/helloworld.riscv | test/test_arithmetic.c | riscv-elf/test_arithmetic.riscv | test/test_syscall.c | riscv-elf/test_syscall.riscv | test/test_branch.c | riscv-elf/test_branch.riscv | test/quicksort.c | riscv-elf/quicksort.riscv | test/matrixmulti.c | riscv-elf/matrixmulti.riscv | test/ackermann.c | riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv |
代码文件 | 功能描述 | test/helloworld.c | 最简单的Hello, World | test/test_arithmetic.c | 测试一组算术运算 | test/test_syscall.c | 测试全部的系统调用 | test/test_branch.c | 测试条件和循环语句 | test/quicksort.c | 分别对10和100个元素进行快速排序 | test/matrixmulti.c | 10*10矩阵乘法 | test/ackermann.c | 求解一组Ackermann函数的值 |
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/helloworld.riscv
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/test_arithmetic.riscv
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/test_syscall.riscv
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/test_branch.riscv
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/quicksort.riscv
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/matrixmulti.riscv
- ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/helloworld.riscv
- Hello, World!
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 141
- Number of Cycles: 188
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3333
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.5833 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 23
- Number of Data Hazards: 73
- Number of Memory Hazards: 1
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/test_arithmetic.riscv
- 30
- -10
- 370350
- 411
- 49380
- 771
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 508
- Number of Cycles: 703
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3839
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4268 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 91
- Number of Data Hazards: 224
- Number of Memory Hazards: 13
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/test_syscall.riscv
- This is string from print_s()
- 123456abc
- Enter a number: 123456
- The number is: 123456
- Enter a character: g
- The character is: g
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 350
- Number of Cycles: 461
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3171
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.5833 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 53
- Number of Data Hazards: 178
- Number of Memory Hazards: 5
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/quicksort.riscv
- Prev A: 5 3 5 6 7 1 3 5 6 1
- Sorted A: 1 1 3 3 5 5 5 6 6 7
- Prev B: 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
- Sorted B: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 103671
- Number of Cycles: 141697
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3668
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4926 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 7314
- Number of Data Hazards: 86448
- Number of Memory Hazards: 23398
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/matrixmulti.riscv
- The content of A is:
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
- 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
- 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
- 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
- 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
- 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
- The content of B is:
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- The content of C=A*B is:
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
- 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
- 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270
- 0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280 320 360
- 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
- 0 60 120 180 240 300 360 420 480 540
- 0 70 140 210 280 350 420 490 560 630
- 0 80 160 240 320 400 480 560 640 720
- 0 90 180 270 360 450 540 630 720 810
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 225441
- Number of Cycles: 318532
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.4129
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.3765 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 40678
- Number of Data Hazards: 110957
- Number of Memory Hazards: 11735
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../riscv-elf/ackermann.riscv
- Ackermann(0,0) = 1
- Ackermann(0,1) = 2
- Ackermann(0,2) = 3
- Ackermann(0,3) = 4
- Ackermann(0,4) = 5
- Ackermann(1,0) = 2
- Ackermann(1,1) = 3
- Ackermann(1,2) = 4
- Ackermann(1,3) = 5
- Ackermann(1,4) = 6
- Ackermann(2,0) = 3
- Ackermann(2,1) = 5
- Ackermann(2,2) = 7
- Ackermann(2,3) = 9
- Ackermann(2,4) = 11
- Ackermann(3,0) = 5
- Ackermann(3,1) = 13
- Ackermann(3,2) = 29
- Ackermann(3,3) = 61
- Ackermann(3,4) = 125
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 430754
- Number of Cycles: 574548
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3338
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.5045 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 48010
- Number of Data Hazards: 279916
- Number of Memory Hazards: 47774
- -----------------------------------
4.2 运行给定的5个测试程序4.2.1 原始的执行结果
- add.c
- mul-div.c
- n!.c
- qsort.c
- simple-function.c
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/add.riscv
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 876
- Number of Cycles: 1183
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3505
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4639 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 124
- Number of Data Hazards: 433
- Number of Memory Hazards: 58
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/mul-div.riscv
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 901
- Number of Cycles: 1208
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3407
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4639 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 124
- Number of Data Hazards: 463
- Number of Memory Hazards: 58
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/n\!.riscv
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 1112
- Number of Cycles: 1525
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3714
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4661 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 189
- Number of Data Hazards: 515
- Number of Memory Hazards: 34
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/qsort.riscv
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 19427
- Number of Cycles: 25328
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3038
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4701 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 1363
- Number of Data Hazards: 14156
- Number of Memory Hazards: 3174
- -----------------------------------
- hehaodeMacBook-Pro:build hehao$ ./Simulator ../test-inclass/simple-function.riscv
- Program exit from an exit() system call
- ------------ STATISTICS -----------
- Number of Instructions: 886
- Number of Cycles: 1197
- Avg Cycles per Instrcution: 1.3510
- Branch Perdiction Accuacy: 0.4639 (Strategy: Always Not Taken)
- Number of Control Hazards: 126
- Number of Data Hazards: 438
- Number of Memory Hazards: 58
- -----------------------------------
4.2.2 动态执行的指令数
程序名 | 执行的指令数 | add.riscv | 876 | mul-div.riscv | 901 | n!.riscv | 1112 | qsort.riscv | 19427 | simple-function.riscv | 886 |
4.2.3 执行周期数和平均CPI
程序名 | 执行周期数 | 平均CPI | add.riscv | 1183 | 1.3505 | mul-div.riscv | 1208 | 1.3407 | n!.riscv | 1525 | 1.3714 | qsort.riscv | 25328 | 1.3038 | simple-function.riscv | 1197 | 1.3510 |
4.2.4 不同类型的冒险统计
程序名 | 数据冒险 | 控制冒险 | 内存访问冒险 | add.riscv | 433 | 124 | 58 | mul-div.riscv | 463 | 124 | 58 | n!.riscv | 515 | 189 | 34 | qsort.riscv | 14156 | 1363 | 3174 | simple-function.riscv | 438 | 126 | 58 |
五、其它内容5.1 分支预测模块
策略名称 | 策略说明 | NT | Always Not Taken | AT | Always Taken | BTFNT | Back Taken Forward Not Taken | BPB | Branch Prediction Buffer |
其中,Branch Prediction Buffer采用"Computer Organization and Design: Hardware/Software Interface"中所介绍的四状态,两位历史信息的方法。具体地说,使用内存后12位作为索引维护一个长度为4096的直接映射高速缓存,用于存储分支指令的地址。对于一个缓存条目,其状态为以下四个状态之一:Strong Taken, Weak Taken, Weak Not Taken, Strong Not Taken. 状态转换图如下
- bool BranchPredictor::predict(uint32_t pc, uint32_t insttype, int64_t op1,
- int64_t op2, int64_t offset) {
- switch (this->strategy) {
- case NT:
- return false;
- case AT:
- return true;
- case BTFNT: {
- if (offset >= 0) {
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
- }
- break;
- case BPB: {
- PredictorState state = this->predbuf[pc % PRED_BUF_SIZE];
- if (state == STRONG_TAKEN || state == WEAK_TAKEN) {
- return true;
- } else if (state == STRONG_NOT_TAKEN || state == WEAK_NOT_TAKEN) {
- return false;
- } else {
- dbgprintf("Strange Prediction Buffer!\n");
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- dbgprintf("Unknown Branch Perdiction Strategy!\n");
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- void BranchPredictor::update(uint32_t pc, bool branch) {
- int id = pc % PRED_BUF_SIZE;
- PredictorState state = this->predbuf[id];
- if (branch) {
- if (state == STRONG_NOT_TAKEN) {
- this->predbuf[id] = WEAK_NOT_TAKEN;
- } else if (state == WEAK_NOT_TAKEN) {
- this->predbuf[id] = WEAK_TAKEN;
- } else if (state == WEAK_TAKEN) {
- this->predbuf[id] = STRONG_TAKEN;
- } // do nothing if STRONG_TAKEN
- } else { // not taken
- if (state == STRONG_TAKEN) {
- this->predbuf[id] = WEAK_TAKEN;
- } else if (state == WEAK_TAKEN) {
- this->predbuf[id] = WEAK_NOT_TAKEN;
- } else if (state == WEAK_NOT_TAKEN) {
- this->predbuf[id] = STRONG_NOT_TAKEN;
- } // do noting if STRONG_NOT_TAKEN
- }
- }
- // Sumulator::decode()
- bool predictedBranch = false;
- if (isBranch(insttype)) {
- predictedBranch = this->branchPredictor->predict(this->fReg.pc, insttype,
- op1, op2, offset);
- if (predictedBranch) {
- this->predictedPC = this->fReg.pc + offset;
- this->anotherPC = this->fReg.pc + 4;
- this->fRegNew.bubble = true;
- } else {
- this->anotherPC = this->fReg.pc + offset;
- }
- }
复制代码- // Simulator::execute()
- if (isBranch(inst)) {
- ...
- // this->dReg.pc: fetch original inst addr, not the modified one
- this->branchPredictor->update(this->dReg.pc, branch);
- }
- // The Branch perdiction happens here to avoid strange bugs in branch prediction
- if (!this->dReg.bubble && !this->dReg.stall && !this->fReg.stall && this->dReg.predictedBranch) {
- this->pc = this->predictedPC;
- }
5.2 分支预测模块的性能评测
评测程序 | Always Taken | BTFNT | Prediction Buffer | helloworld.riscv | 0.4706 | 0.7059 | 0.4706 | quicksort.riscv | 0.5075 | 0.9506 | 0.9587 | matrixmult.riscv | 0.6235 | 0.6325 | 0.6275 | ackermann.riscv | 0.4955 | 0.5053 | 0.9593 |
我们可以看到,对于helloworld程序,由于程序过于简单,其中绝大多数指令只会被执行一次,所以基于历史信息的Prediction Buffer方法退化到了Always Taken方法(因为默认预测是选择跳转),而基于程序结构的经验性判断方法BTFNT反而取得了最高的准确率。
对于快速排序评测程序,我们发现Prediction Buffer和BTFNT都取得了极其高的预测准确率。这是因为排序元素较多(100个),并且绝大多数情况下都在反复执行很少的一段代码。由于这些代码绝大多数都满足向前会跳转的性质,所以BTFNT方法的准确率很高。由于循环的执行长度非常长(约100次),所以基于历史信息的Predicton Buffer能够很好地获得较高的预测准确性。
对于矩阵乘法程序,三个分支预测算法的表现非常接近。这可能是由于矩阵乘法中每次循环的执行长度都很短(10个元素),限制了BTFNT和Prediction Buffer的性能。
对于Ackermann函数求解程序,其中完全没有循环语句,只有函数递归调用和条件判断语句,绝大多数的分支指令都在递归调用的函数内,因此,这时基于历史信息的Prediction Buffer就能发挥出最大威力,得出相当高的预测准确率,而BTFNT在此则相对比较受限了,如果递归函数内刚好两个if语句,一个if语句是向前跳转,一个if语句是向后跳转,而两条语句在大多数情况下都是跳转,那么BTFNT的准确率就会在50%左右徘徊。
5.3 意见和建议
- 编写RISC-V CPU模拟器极大地锻炼了我的系统编程能力。虽然在编写的过程中遇到了一些难以解决的Bug,但在解决它们的过程中,使我收获了很多Debug经验,并且更加深刻地认识到了编写健壮和包含完备错误处理程序的重要性。
- 在配置RISC-V环境的过程中,我发现RISC-V工具链存在一些文档缺失的问题,有时会遇到默认配置比较奇怪或者一些参数过时的问题,为安装相关工具造成了一些困难。我希望要是能在每次Lab发布前,能给出配置环境的一些有关教程就更好了。
- 计算机体系结构课教的体系结构是MIPS,不知道为什么Lab却要做RISC-V,有一点增加了学习成本和完成Lab的时间。