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【摘要】 本文首先对RISC-V的架构做了简要的介绍,在此基础上实现了LiteOS在RISC-V架构上的适配过程的具体步骤,希望对你有所帮助。
1 RISC-V架构简介RISC-V是一个基于精简指令集(RISC)原则的开源指令集架构(ISA)。
RISC-V的Spec文档可以在RISC-C官网https://riscv.org/specifications/ 上下载。主要看riscv-privileged.pdf和riscv-spec.pdf。
RV32ICM Instruction Set I:RV32I Base Integer Instruction Set C:Standard Extension for Compressed Instructions M:Standard Extension for Integer Multiplication and Division
Privilege Levels Control and Status Registers (CSRs) Machine-Level ISA
在了解通用的RV32架构之后,由于RV32是开源的ISA架构,所以实际芯片都会在此基础上做一些定制化,因此需要再读一下芯片手册,LiteOS的RISC-V架构支持使用的芯片是GD32VF103,请下载GD32VF103 的Spec进行阅览。
2 LiteOS支持一种处理器RTOS支持一种新的处理器架构,最主要的修改有以下几个方面:
1.启动汇编的适配 2.适配系统调度汇编 3.Tick的适配 4.根据芯片设置系统相关参数 5.适配中断管理模块 6.编译链接脚本的调整
那么,对应到LiteOS,主要修改的目录和文件是: LiteOS_Lab\iot_link\os\liteos\arch\riscv\src中
1. start.S
A. 和RISC-V的异常中断处理密切相关,注意向量表的对齐 - vector_base:
- j _start
- .align 2
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word osInterrupt #eclic_msip_handler
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word 0
- .word osInterrupt #eclic_mtip_handler
复制代码B. 设置中断,异常等的入口地址 - _start0800:
- /* Set the the NMI base to share with mtvec by setting CSR_MMISC_CTL */
- li t0, 0x200
- csrs CSR_MMISC_CTL, t0
- /* Intial the mtvt*/
- la t0, vector_base
- csrw CSR_MTVT, t0
- /* Intial the mtvt2 and enable it*/
- la t0, irq_entry
- csrw CSR_MTVT2, t0
- csrs CSR_MTVT2, 0x1
- /* Intial the CSR MTVEC for the Trap ane NMI base addr*/
- la t0, trap_entry
- csrw CSR_MTVEC, t0
复制代码C.设置gp,sp,初始化data和bss section,然后跳转到main函数 - .option push
- .option norelax
- la gp, __global_pointer$
- .option pop
- la sp, _sp
- /* Load data section */
- la a0, _data_lma
- la a1, _data
- la a2, _edata
- bgeu a1, a2, 2f
- 1:
- lw t0, (a0)
- sw t0, (a1)
- addi a0, a0, 4
- addi a1, a1, 4
- bltu a1, a2, 1b
- 2:
- /* Clear bss section */
- la a0, __bss_start
- la a1, _end
- bgeu a0, a1, 2f
- 1:
- sw zero, (a0)
- addi a0, a0, 4
- bltu a0, a1, 1b
复制代码2. 适配系统调度汇编(los_dispatch.s),主要修改函数LOS_StartToRun、LOS_IntLock、LOS_IntUnLock、TaskSwitch等;
任务栈的设计,在osTskStackInit中针对RISC-V的寄存器的定义,做出context的设计: - pstContext->ra = (UINT32)osTaskExit;
- pstContext->sp = 0x02020202L;
- pstContext->gp = 0x03030303L;
- pstContext->tp = 0x04040404L;
- pstContext->t0 = 0x05050505L;
- pstContext->t1 = 0x06060606L;
- pstContext->t2 = 0x07070707L;
- pstContext->s0 = 0x08080808L;
- pstContext->s1 = 0x09090909L;
- pstContext->a0 = pstTaskCB->uwTaskID; //a0 first argument
- pstContext->a1 = 0x11111111L;
- pstContext->a2 = 0x12121212L;
- pstContext->a3 = 0x13131313L;
- pstContext->a4 = 0x14141414L;
- pstContext->a5 = 0x15151515L;
- pstContext->a6 = 0x16161616L;
- pstContext->a7 = 0x17171717L;
- pstContext->s2 = 0x18181818L;
- pstContext->s3 = 0x19191919L;
- pstContext->s4 = 0x20202020L;
- pstContext->s5 = 0x21212121L;
- pstContext->s6 = 0x22222222L;
- pstContext->s7 = 0x23232323L;
- pstContext->s8 = 0x24242424L;
- pstContext->s9 = 0x25252525L;
- pstContext->s10 = 0x26262626L;
- pstContext->s11 = 0x27272727L;
- pstContext->t3 = 0x28282828L;
- pstContext->t4 = 0x29292929L;
- pstContext->t5 = 0x30303030L;
- pstContext->t6 = 0x31313131L;
- pstContext->mepc =(UINT32)osTaskEntry;
复制代码LOS_IntLock的实现: - LOS_IntLock:
- csrr a0, mstatus
- li t0, 0x08
- csrrc zero, mstatus, t0
- ret
复制代码LOS_IntUnLock的实现: - LOS_IntUnLock:
- csrr a0, mstatus
- li t0, 0x08
- csrrs zero, mstatus, t0
- ret
复制代码TaskSwitch的实现: - TaskSwitch:
- la t0, g_stLosTask
- lw t1, 0(t0)
- csrr t2, mscratch
- sw t2, 0(t1)
- //Clear the task running bit of pstRunTask.
- la t0, g_stLosTask
- lw t1, (t0)
- lb t2, 0x4(t1)
- sb t2, 0x4(t1)
- //copy pstNewTask into pstRunTask
- la t0, g_stLosTask
- lw t1, 0x4(t0)
- sw t1, 0x0(t0)
- //set the task running bit=1
- lh t2, 0x4(t1)
- sh t2, 0x4(t1)
- //retireve stack pointer
- lw sp, (t1)
- //retrieve the address at which exception happened
- lw t0, 31 * 4(sp)
- csrw mepc, t0
- li t0, 0x1800
- csrs mstatus, t0
- //retrieve the registers
- lw ra, 0 * 4(sp)
- lw t0, 4 * 4(sp)
- lw t1, 5 * 4(sp)
- lw t2, 6 * 4(sp)
- lw s0, 7 * 4(sp)
- lw s1, 8 * 4(sp)
- lw a0, 9 * 4(sp)
- lw a1, 10 * 4(sp)
- lw a2, 11 * 4(sp)
- lw a3, 12 * 4(sp)
- lw a4, 13 * 4(sp)
- lw a5, 14 * 4(sp)
- lw a6, 15 * 4(sp)
- lw a7, 16 * 4(sp)
- lw s2, 17 * 4(sp)
- lw s3, 18 * 4(sp)
- lw s4, 19 * 4(sp)
- lw s5, 20 * 4(sp)
- lw s6, 21 * 4(sp)
- lw s7, 22 * 4(sp)
- lw s8, 23 * 4(sp)
- lw s9, 24 * 4(sp)
- lw s10, 25 * 4(sp)
- lw s11, 26 * 4(sp)
- lw t3, 27 * 4(sp)
- lw t4, 28 * 4(sp)
- lw t5, 29 * 4(sp)
- lw t6, 30 * 4(sp)
- addi sp, sp, 4 * 32
- mret
复制代码3. Tick的适配
- {
- UINT32 uwRet;
- g_ullTickCount = 0;
- eclic_irq_enable(CLIC_INT_TMR, 1, 1);
- LOS_HwiCreate(CLIC_INT_TMR, 3, 0, eclic_mtip_handler, 0);
- g_bSysTickStart = TRUE;
- return LOS_OK;
- }
复制代码4. 根据芯片设置系统相关参数(时钟频率,tick中断配置,los_config.h系统参数配置(内存池大小、信号量、队列、互斥锁,软件定时器数量等));
5. 适配中断管理模块,LiteOS的中断向量表由m_pstHwiForm[OS_VECTOR_CNT]数组管理,需要根据芯片配置中断使能,重定向等; A.在los_hwi.c和los_hwi.h中根据实际芯片的中断向量数目和驱动做一些调整 B.在entry.S中设计irq_entry的处理,需要注意的是需要单独在irq stack中处理中断嵌套: - irq_entry: // -------------> This label will be set to MTVT2 register
- // Allocate the stack space
- SAVE_CONTEXT// Save 16 regs
- //------This special CSR read operation, which is actually use mcause as operand to directly store it to memory
- csrrwi x0, CSR_PUSHMCAUSE, 17
- //------This special CSR read operation, which is actually use mepc as operand to directly store it to memory
- csrrwi x0, CSR_PUSHMEPC, 18
- //------This special CSR read operation, which is actually use Msubm as operand to directly store it to memory
- csrrwi x0, CSR_PUSHMSUBM, 19
- la t0, g_int_cnt
- lw t1, 0(t0)
- addi t1, t1, 1
- sw t1, 0(t0)
- li t2, 1
- bgtu t1,t2,service_loop
- csrw mscratch, sp
- la sp, __irq_stack_top
复制代码service_loop: - //------This special CSR read/write operation, which is actually Claim the CLIC to find its pending highest
- // ID, if the ID is not 0, then automatically enable the mstatus.MIE, and jump to its vector-entry-label, and
- // update the link register
- csrrw ra, CSR_JALMNXTI, ra
- la t0, g_int_cnt
- lw t1, 0(t0)
- addi t1, t1, -1
- sw t1, 0(t0)
- bnez t1, _rfi
- csrr sp, mscratch
- DISABLE_MIE # Disable interrupts
- LOAD x5, 19*REGBYTES(sp)
- csrw CSR_MSUBM, x5
- LOAD x5, 18*REGBYTES(sp)
- csrw CSR_MEPC, x5
- LOAD x5, 17*REGBYTES(sp)
- csrw CSR_MCAUSE, x5
- la t0, g_usLosTaskLock
- lw t1, 0(t0)
- bnez t1, _rfi
- la t0, g_stLosTask
- lw t1, 0x4(t0)
- lw t2, 0x0(t0)
- beq t1, t2, _rfi
- push_reg
- csrr t0, mepc
- sw t0, 31*4(sp)
- csrw mscratch, sp
- j TaskSwitch
- // Return to regular code
- mret
复制代码6. 编译链接脚本的调整 几个关键的设置: irq stack内存区域: - __stack_size = DEFINED(__stack_size) ? __stack_size : 2K;
- __irq_stack_size = DEFINED(__irq_stack_size) ? __irq_stack_size : 2K;
- __heap_size = DEFINED(__heap_size) ? __heap_size : 0xc00;
复制代码gp初始值的设定:gp用于代码的优化,因为请合理选择__global_pointer的初值: - PROVIDE( __global_pointer$ = . + 0x800);
复制代码堆栈的设定: - .stack : ALIGN(0x10)
- {
- . += __stack_size;
- PROVIDE( _sp = . );
- . = ALIGN(0x10);
- PROVIDE( __irq_stack_bottom = . );
- . += __irq_stack_size;
- PROVIDE( __irq_stack_top = . );
- } >ram AT>ram
- .heap : ALIGN(0x10)
- {
- PROVIDE( __los_heap_addr_start__ = . );
- . = __heap_size;
- . = __heap_size == 0 ? 0 : ORIGIN(ram) + LENGTH(ram);
- PROVIDE( __los_heap_addr_end__ = . );
- PROVIDE( _heap_end = . );
- } >ram AT>ram
复制代码主要的步骤已经整体讲述了,顺利移植的主要前提条件是对RISC-V处理器架构的全面理解和LiteOS任务调度的设计,所以再次提醒精读riscv-privileged.pdf和riscv-spec.pdf的相关章节。在移植过程中,会遇到很多问题,建议使用IoT Studio的开发调试环境,方便的进行汇编级的单步调试,另外把串口驱动和printf打印调通,也是一种较重要的调试手段。